How To Create A Top Uber Boss Killer In POE 3.25 League? (2025)

  • How Does Damage Conversion Mechanic Work In Path Of Exile 2?

    Path of Exile 2 Early Access will be officially launched on November 15th! So here, we will focus on the changes in the mechanics between Path of Exile 2 and 1 so that you are ready on the release day! This guide aims to introduce Damage Conversion mechanic in the game, such as converting to and gaining additional modifiers.

    In fact, this change is one of the biggest changes in the mechanic balance of POE 2, which not only has a great impact on a series of builds but also is equally important for GGG to balance the game in the future. So let’s get into Damage Conversion mechanic in Path of Exile 2.

    Different Forms Of Damage Conversion

    Typically, Damage Conversion has two forms: one is to convert a part of the damage of one type to another type, eliminating the source damage; the other is to add a part of the damage of one type to another type, keeping the source damage unchanged. These are defined as converting to modifiers and gaining as additional modifiers.

    Conversion Order

    Damage Conversion always follows the following conversion order: Physical → Lightning → Cold → Fire → Chaos.

    Although Damage Conversion only works in one direction, you can skip damage types to reach the next direction in Damage Conversion chain. For example, Physical Damage converts to Fire Damage, but you can’t go backwards. You can’t convert Chaos Damage to Lightning Damage.

    Therefore, you must invest in the correct equipment to ensure the successful and effective operation of Damage Conversion mechanism. Otherwise, you will not only waste your hard-earned POE Currency, but you may also be fatally hit by the enemy!

    In POE 1, however, damage always remembers its source damage type. For example, Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage will remember its physical source, meaning that modifiers applied to Physical Damage can still be applied to damage even if it’s processed as Fire Damage. Therefore, players can use modifiers for both Physical and Fire damage to scale this damage.

    Damage Conversion Priority

    Damage Conversions over 100% will now be scaled back to 100%. This only affects modifiers that are converted, not additional modifiers that are gained.

    However, there is a priority system for Damage Conversion, with the highest priority being any conversion that is considered a Skill Type Conversion. This is any conversion that exists on Skill Gems, such as the one on Smite Skill Gem.

    This also includes any conversions from Support Skill Gems, such as Physical to Lightning Support. These types of conversions have the highest priority and will not be scaled down if possible, and any other conversion modifiers, such as those from equipment modifiers or Passive Skill Tree, will be applied afterwards.

    As an example, let’s say a character is using Smite with Physical to Lightning Support, so 100% of their Physical Damage will be converted to Lightning Damage, which is all a Skill Type Conversion. If this character has Unique Gloves Hrimsorrow equipped, 100% of their Physical Damage will be converted to Cold Damage. But since 100% of the damage has already been converted via Skill Type Conversion, this modifier has no effect.

    Changes To Damage Conversion Mechanic

    Now in POE 2, there is a very important change to Damage Conversion mechanic, and that is that damage will no longer remember its source type.

    Using our previous example as a comparison, in POE 1, Physical Damage converted to Fire, and the player could scale this damage using modifiers for both Physical and Fire. But this is not the case in POE 2.

    The converted damage portion can only be scaled by the modifiers that apply to the final converted damage type, which is the damage being dealt. This is a vast change that will have a tremendous impact on build crafting. Because this will significantly change the way damage scales in a build that converts damage, and some of the vectors that were previously used to scale damage are gone in POE 2.

    Does The Change To Damage Conversion Mean A Nerf?

    Now the important thing to mention here is that this does not mean that Damage Conversion chains are necessarily useless in POE 2, because the modifiers that provide the additional damage are calculated before the conversion.

    For example, one modifier that is still very powerful in a Damage Conversion chain is that it provides additional Chaos Damage for each non-Chaos Damage type in the chain.

    Another interesting aspect of this change from a developer's perspective is balance. As mentioned before, the current Path of Exile has a strict Damage Conversion order. But we don’t know yet if this order will remain in POE 2, or how it will be enforced. They may keep the order, but simply to prevent looting in the presence of mirror conversions. They may also remove the order for general use, allowing for more possible conversions.

    But we don’t know anything about this, so you can safely assume for now that it will work exactly as it did in POE 1 until further notice. That’s Damage Conversion mechanic in Path of Exile 2, and knowing more about how it works will help you deal with all the enemies in the upcoming Early Access with aplomb!

  • As always, the arrival of a new league brings with it a number of new changes, but the most notable addition to POE 3.25 is the addition of 60 new Base Types, spread across Helmets, Armor, Boots, and Gloves slots. These new Base Types were introduced primarily to balance out the fact that characters previously had mostly basic defensive stats.

    The change nerfed Defensive Auras and indirectly nerfed a number of unique items and builds. This was especially true for Archetypes that lacked investment elsewhere to scale defensive stats, as these specific builds relied heavily on using Auras combined with a decent amount of Aura effect scaling to get reasonable defensive power. This meant that a lot of players would use important unique items in these situations, with a good example from previous patches being Lightning Coil.

    However, the addition of these new Base Types and the subsequent nerf to Defensive Auras ended up significantly nerfing the use of these unique items. Because these PoE items are not compensated in any way by the nerfs to Auras.

    It is very likely that GGG will move some unique items to the new Base Type without changing their stats, effectively buffing these items with updated base defense stats. After all, they have done this before for other unique items.

    Here, we will take a look at the impact of these changes to get a better understanding of what things will be stronger in Settlers of Kalguur League.

    Why Is There A Sharp Drop In The Usage Of Unique Body Armour?

    The usage of unique items has dropped sharply in PoE 3.25, especially Unique Body Armour. When comparing PoE 3.24 Necropolis and PoE 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, we can see that the gap is staggering.

    In Softcore Trade League, the usage of Rare Body Armour has almost doubled, from 27% of all characters in PoE 3.24 to 48% of all characters in PoE 3.25 now. This is of course not 100% because of the new Base Types and Aura Nerfs, but is influenced by another important factor: what exactly is popular and what builds are being played?

    For example, Deadeye is the most popular class in Necropolis, and across all those Deadeye builds, over 80% of builds use Unique Body Armour. Whereas for the most popular class in Settlers of Kalguur, Slayer, only 26% of builds use Unique Body Armour.

    But if we isolate Deadeye for a moment, we can see that Unique Armour usage has dropped significantly across both leagues for builds with similar classes, down 26%.

    The core reason for these shifts is of course the increased power level of Rare Body Armour relative to these Unique choices. More importantly, using Unique Armour in POE 3.25 means you give up a lot of Defensive stats, which you could previously make up for by using Defensive Auras, but now these nerfs are not compensated. This trend can be seen across Unique Body Armours with only a few exceptions.


    Here we’ll take two specific Unique Armours as examples. These two Body Armours have been a big part of the meta for many build Archetypes for a long time before this patch, Lightning Coil and Fourth Vow.

    Lightning Coil

    Lightning Coil usage has dropped from 8% of Necropolis characters to 2% of Settlers of Kalguur, a 75% reduction in characters using Lightning Coil.

    A big factor here is that there are half as many Pathfinder characters in Path of Exile 3.25 as there were in POE 3.24. But the reason for this is not the introduction of those new Base Types, but another change to Damage Taken As, which significantly nerfed Taste of Hate and other stats, making it impossible for characters to achieve 100% Physical Damage Taken As Elemental.

    This was a very popular way to deal physical damage before. In older leagues, this, combined with the nerf to the monster Overwhelm, made traditional ways of defending against physical damage like Armor and Endurance Charges much more reliable. This is why using Lightning Coil, while not mandatory for many builds, is still very useful and still very popular.

    But overall, the change in POE 3.25 from a purely damage-focused defense setup to a hybrid multi-layered defense setup has seen Lightning Coil usage decline somewhat.

    Fourth Vow

    This is an interesting unique for Fourth Vow. Fourth Vow has always been the go-to for defense setups, and by combining it with Divine Flesh and stacking a lot of armor, it can completely mitigate the upcoming Elemental Hit.

    But from POE 3.24 to POE 3.25, the usage of Fourth Vow has dropped from 6% to 0.7%. There are some very important factors at play here that you may not immediately recognize just from the usage rate and the builds that use it.

    While the percentage of Necromancers using the item as a percentage of the class usage has increased, the number of Necromancers actually using it has decreased significantly because of the nerf to Detonate Dead. Meanwhile, the nerf to Champion Ascendancy didn’t help Fourth Vow much either.

    But those two factors only affected the number of builds that could use Fourth Vow. There were three other very big changes that had an enormous impact on the item.

    The first and probably the biggest change is that they removed Divine Blessing Support, which had incredible synergy with Fourth Vow. Since it combined with Divine Flesh would make Energy Shield almost useless since all damage would bypass it, these builds would use Eldritch Battery to solve the mana cost and grant it Energy Shield, allowing the use of the extra Aura with Divine Blessing. But Divine Blessing is gone now, and with it these builds lose a lot of power from the extra Aura.

    The second big change is of course the nerf to Determination. 99% of Fourth Vow builds in POE 3.24 used Determination, while only 91% did so in POE 3.25. While the percentage drop isn’t huge, the actual number of people using Fourth Vow is much lower. And this nerf to Determination is one of the key factors for this. It also means that these builds now need to invest more POE Currency to achieve the same level of armor as before.

    The third major change is about Juggernaut Unbreakable. Unbreakable Ascendancy Passive Skill no longer provides 8% armor applied to incoming Fire, Cold, and Lightning. Now it has 15% armor applied to incoming Chaos damage as well.

    Juggernaut Unbreakable has incredible synergy with Fourth Vow and Divine Flesh, allowing the character to split incoming elemental damage into multiple types to apply armor to each type to mitigate the damage. But the new Juggernaut relies more on Endurance Charges to mitigate elemental damage.

    While you could argue that the new Unbreakable simply provides a new option to run a crafted Rare Body Armour and Divine Flesh to achieve similar results, the fact is that you gain an enormous benefit against physical damage by doing so. You’ll have access to more base armor and an extra PDR Suffix, not to mention the powerful Eldritch Implicit. Because of this change, the use of Fourth Vow in Juggernaut builds has dropped dramatically by over 50%.

    Some Unique Body Armours Still Popular

    While Unique Body Armour usage has dropped overall, not all Unique Body Armour has dropped. In fact, some Body Armour remains just as popular as they were in previous leagues, while some have even increased in popularity.

    Cloak of Flame usage has remained around 8% in POE 3.25 leagues. This is thanks to the increased Chieftain play rate, which has increased the number of characters using Cloak.

    Surprisingly, despite Battlemage’s Cry nerf, Iron Fortress Strength Stacking Body Armour has remained popular among Settlers of Kalguur.

    One of the biggest winners, Cloak of Defiance, saw its usage increase by nearly 400% from POE 3.24 to POE 3.25.


    Overall, Unique Body Armour usage has indeed dropped, which could change the focus of many players when creating builds. However, whether GGG makes any changes to these items in future leagues, whether it is buffing their unique stats, or simply moving them to a stronger Base Type, or perhaps they are also happy to make these items more niche, only time will tell.

  • With the melee buff in the Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League, the ranged Ascendancies represented by Deadeye have been neglected by players. But if you need a speed-mapper that can farm Tier-17 maps, run Maven Invitations, and even fight bosses during the game, then Deadeye’s build is definitely your best choice.

    Before making a build, we need to determine which skill you want to use mainly. Since Tornado Shot has been nerfed, you can choose the new Elemental Hit of the Spectrum skill. This guide will give you some suggestions around this build and introduce some items needed in this build so that you can complete this build as soon as possible.

    Recommendations For The Build

    As mentioned above, the most important skill for this build is Elemental Hit of the Spectrum, a new Transfigured gem added to this league that can cause three types of elemental damage to enemies - shock, ignite, and freeze, and also cause ailments to surrounding enemies.

    In addition, this Transfigured gem can also be placed on Bows and Wands, so Elemental Hit of the Spectrum is the best skill in the Deadeye build. And this skill does not cause non-elemental damage, so you don’t have to use POE Currency in Physical Damage investment.

    At the same time, the build equipped with Elemental Hit of the Spectrum is an extremely fast mapper, which can even allow you to complete the task of running the map in some maps with Pinnacle Bosses and get the last reward quickly.

    However, the defense of this build is not very good. If you face some tanky bosses or bosses with high health, you need to pay attention to your position during the battle and avoid those boss telegraphs and deadly map modifiers, such as no leech and elemental reflect.

    So you need to try to increase your Evasion to the upper limit and Spell Suppression to 100% before the battle so that you can better protect yourself. Even if you have very high HP leech, Endurance Charges, and Movement Speed, you still have to be careful to avoid getting hit.

    Recommended Items


    While you can still be very powerful without Uniques in this build, your build will be even more powerful if you equip them! Here are Uniques you can choose from in each slot.

    Helmet: You can use Rat’s Nest early in the build, which is everywhere. Then switch to Black Sun Crest when you do Omniscience swap.

    Amulet: Similarly, you can use Hyrri’s Truth early in the build to get Culling Strike, free Precision, and a lot of Crit. Then at the endgame, you can swap it out for Crystallised Omniscience.

    Body Armor: This Unique called Hyrri’s Ire can be equipped all the time without switching, as it provides you with a lot of Dexterity, Spell Suppression, Evasion, and flat Cold Damage.

    Rings: This build doesn’t actually need the effects that Rings provide, but if you come across some nice and useful rings, you can use Kalandra’s Touch to copy them to the other hand. If you have a high attack speed and movement speed requirement in your build, you can choose Death Rush.

    Belt: You can choose Headhunter to help you easily farm everything on the map, but if you don’t have Headhunter yet, you can take Bisco’s Leash as a short-term substitute, which is also very good.

    Flasks: Here you can have two choices: Dying Sun can increase your clearing speed, and Progenesis can increase your survivability. The specific choice depends on your gaming habits and game ideas.

    Jewels: You can choose Interrogation, Thread of Hope, Watcher’s Eye or a Lethal Pride.

    If you get some Chaos Orbs during the leveling process, you can also use them to invest in Uniques in your build, this way your leveling process will be smoother and you will spend less. Here are Uniques you can choose from.

    • Helmet: Goldrim, Rat’s Nest, Thrillsteel
    • Body Armor: Tabula Rasa, Thousand Ribbons
    • Gloves: Shadows and Dust
    • Boots: Three-step Assault, Seven-league Step, Wanderlust
    • Amule: Karui Ward
    • Rings: Le Heup of All, Tasalio’s Sign
    • Belt: Prismweave, Bisco’s Leash
    • Weapon/Quiver: Hyrri’s Bite, Poised Prism, Silverbranch, Quill Rain

    Ascendancy Order

    To play this build, you need to ascend as Deadeye as it gives you a lot of fire speed, projectile damage and enhanced mark effect. But most importantly, it can fire two additional projectiles.

    If you want to try Tinctures, you can also choose to play as Warden. But considering the speed of running the map and the power of the build, Deadeye is undoubtedly a better choice. So the order of your Ascendancy Nodes should be Gathering Winds, Far Shot, Endless Munitions, and then Focal Point.

    The above is the build built around Elemental Hit of the Spectrum introduced in this guide. I hope it will be helpful for your exploration in this league. The items provided in this guide are for reference only. You can choose different items in specific situations. I wish you an auspicious time in the current Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League!

  • You’ll Experience A Completely Unique Experience In Path Of Exile 2 Than In The First Game! - Differences Explained

    Path of Exile is a long-standing hack-and-slash MMO legend known for its detailed environments, engaging combat, and nearly endless content. Now, the developers want to take these famous aspects to the next level with the reimagined sequel Path of Exile 2. In this new game, you’ll experience a completely different game experience than the original game, such as changing some game mechanics to make the entire game more immersive.

    In addition, the official release time of Path of Exile 2 will be staggered with the update time of the first game, so you can enjoy exploring this new game! This guide will tell you exactly what the differences between the two games are, so that you can prepare.

    1. New Local Couch Co-Op

    In a game this large, the simplest changes are often the most important, such as Local Couch Co-Op, which is a feature that Path of Exile players have dreamed of. It’s officially here in the much-anticipated Path of Exile 2, and it’s not a one-off add-on.

    You can explore the dangerous land of Wraeclast with your family or friends in this feature, without having to sign up for a new account. This means you don’t need an extra console or copy of the game to help you farm some POE Items or face powerful bosses with your friends during your exploration.

    In addition, Local Couch Co-Op will attract more new players to start paying attention to this game, making it a great addition to the staying power that the series strives to achieve.

    2. Cross-Platform Synchronization

    Although everyone has different needs for cross-platform games, it would be more popular if a game had this feature. So in POE 2, not only is the synchronization of game accounts on different platforms realized, but also the synchronization of progress across platforms!

    In this way, you can use the same character to explore the same progress on different devices, and no longer regret creating a new character or missing out on valuable experience points and items.

    This change is very useful for some players who want to play games anytime and anywhere, because it is very convenient to switch very smoothly between game consoles and mobile gaming devices such as Steam Deck. As the audience of these devices becomes wider and wider, I believe that more games will achieve such cross-platform synchronization.

    3. Currency System Has Changed

    Unlike the original, the sequel will use Gold, which was more important in Path Of Exile 3.25, as the core resource and POE Currency of the entire game. You can pick up the loot dropped by the monsters you defeat or trade with Vendors.

    In addition, the rarity of the loot you get from fighting bosses will also affect the value of the currency you get, so boss encounters in Path Of Exile 2 are your principal source of gold and other rare currencies.

    It is unpredictable that other currencies, such as Orb of Alteration and Orb of Scouring, may be replaced by gold-based mechanics. However, it is worth noting that Alchemy and Transmutation shards in the game can still be obtained by disenchanting items.

    This change in the currency system mainly changes the relationship between you and Vendors, making item trading a more general tool for farming gold. This will make it easier for new players who have never tried this kind of game to fall in love with this game, because this currency system is very easy to learn and does not require too much brainpower.

    4. Comprehensive Changes To Gem System

    Another big change in POE 2 is about the gem system-you will not find gem sockets in weapons. But don’t worry, this is not to remove all gems, but to move all gem sockets to the gem menu next to it, where there will be 9 slots for various skill gems.

    But the number of this slot is not fixed. It depends on the rarity of your gems and the skills you want to link. You need to find some uncut gems and apply the skills you want to this gem, instead of looking for gems that already have skills.

    In the new game, these gems can provide a lot of customization options for your character and build. For example, support gems will provide you with more unique mechanisms based on the differences between skills and Classes. This means that you have more freedom when creating your own build, and each build or item will be more in line with your usage habits.

    5. New Weapon Types Added

    In many trailers, you should have learned that there will be four new weapon types for you to use in Path of Exile 2, which also provides more options for different player play styles.

    The first two major weapons to be introduced are the hybrid spear, which can be used for both melee and ranged combat, and the strength and intelligence flail that focuses on critical attacks. The other two are crossbows, which have different types of crossbows to deal with different types of enemies.

    These weapons will appear in the official version along with the exciting new classes in the game. These changes will make players’ personal play styles more unique and have more choices in weapons and builds, rather than just focusing on buffs.

    These are the differences you will experience in Path of Exile 2 compared to the original. Do these changes make you more excited about this new sequel? We will follow up on any subsequent changes and look forward to meeting it with you in this new game!

  • Hello Exiles, Path of Exile 2 Early Access is finally confirmed to be released on November 15th! I believe you are already rubbing your hands and are ready to jump into the game. But don’t worry, here we will highlight the mechanic changes between PoE 2 and PoE 1 in the future so that you can be prepared before the release!

    In this guide, we will focus on introducing Crowd Control effects, such as Stun and Freeze, to see how exactly they work and how they differ from the same mechanics in Path of Exile 1.

    So this guide should be useful for anyone who is completely new to the series, and it will serve as a good resource for PoE 1 players to help them compare the mechanics of the two games and how they stack up against each other, whether they are new or old players.

    After the release of Path of Exile 2, it is very likely that league updates between the two games will be staggered, and some players will play both games at the same time and jump between the two leagues when new leagues are released. This inevitably makes it a bit jarring for some players to switch between two games with different mechanics, but this is where this guide comes into play. If you plan on jumping into POE 2, then don’t miss this guide!

    Crowd Control Effects & Differences

    Crowd Control effects in POE 2 include, but are not limited to, Stun and Freeze and a new effect that didn’t exist in POE 1, Electrocute. These effects prevent you from performing normal actions, but they can be implemented in different ways. For example, Freeze applies a 100% Action Speed Slow, preventing movement and the use of abilities, while Stun interrupts the action and then plays the stun animation, during which the stunned entity cannot perform any actions.

    Although the results of these Crowd Control effects are very similar, the major difference is how they are applied. For example, Freeze is inherently tied to Cold damage by default, and is inflicted by Cold damage that has a chance to Freeze or Critical Strike. With Stun, on the other hand, any type of damage can naturally cause Stun, but melee damage is more effective at causing Stun, while non-physical damage is less effective.

    Stun also has a new mechanic, Heavy Stun, which will build up over time and appear as another bar below the monster’s health bar. Heavy Stun will cause a significantly longer stagger animation, providing a larger opening for damage.

    Then we have Electrocute, which by default is caused by Lightning damage. But even if you have a 100% chance to do so, it doesn’t mean you will always cause this Crowd Control effect.

    Damage Threshold System

    This is because there is a Damage Threshold System that determines whether a strike will cause a Control effect on Freeze and Electrocute.

    This is an Ailment Threshold that is generally equivalent to the monster’s maximum life. You must have a chance to cause a Control effect or cast a Critical Strike, and must also cause enough damage for it to be effective.

    Using the monster’s Ailment Threshold as an example, for Freeze, a strike that causes 5% of the monster’s maximum life will have a base Freeze duration of 0.3 seconds, and any lower strike will not apply Freeze.

    However, you can re-roll modifiers to increase Freeze duration by spending POE Currency, which means you can go as low as 0.3 seconds. Freeze Threshold is smaller in damage relative to Ailment Threshold, though. For Stun, you can also adopt a similar system to set Stun Threshold.

    What Are The Affects Of The Changes To Control Effects?

    But the important thing is that Crowd Control effects have changed drastically in Path of Exile 2. Control effects that do not reach Threshold are not simply discarded like in POE 1, instead, they are added to a counter. This counter keeps track of all instances of Control effects of that type, and the counter adds the size of these instances together until they reach the required Threshold.


    At this point, the effect will affect the entity, which means that some builds that were used to dealing multiple slight damages and could not reach Ailment Threshold of Control effect in POE 1 with a single hit can now finally shine in POE 2.

    This will also have a significant impact on build crafting, as you will be able to more reliably inflict these Control effects on enemies that were previously restricted from doing so.


    In addition, these settings will deal a lot of positive damage in a single hit. But the most notable impact of this change is on boss design. Because in POE 1, GGG was forced to make bosses immune to Freeze by limiting their minimum Action Speed, and they also needed to patch the ability for players to Stunlock bosses by making bosses immune to Stun for a long time after being stunned.

    But in POE 2, it will work very differently. Bosses will not have a minimum Action Speed ​​or Stun Immunity. Instead, when a boss is affected by a Control effect, the threshold that needs to be reached to inflict the same Control effect will increase, so players will need to wait longer and longer to apply these effects to the boss.

    However, this threshold scaling will also decay naturally over time in boss encounters, so you can take advantage of these Crowd Control effects even with low damage builds.

    This system with threshold scaling is largely to prevent over-application of Crowd Control effects to bosses, and to avoid situations in party games where players can stack a bunch of the same effects and keep stunning the boss.

    Overall, I have to say this is a great way to apply Crowd Control effects. When you apply these Control effects to a boss, you feel rewarded for really investing in them, which is really not that good in POE 1 at the moment. What do you think of this? Do you think there is room for improvement? See you in the game!

  • No matter which league you play in Path of Exile, the helm slot is a substantial source of defensive layers, HP and resistances. So when choosing Unique Helmets, you should not only consider its value but also its value for money. There are currently more than 50 Unique Helmets available for you to choose from in the game.

    In the current Settlers of Kalguur league, there are some Unique Helmets that have withstood the changes in the meta of multiple leagues and become the best choices for many players. This guide will introduce you to them and tell you how to get them.

    Kitava’s Thirst

    Kitava’s Thirst gradually came into the players’ sight in the changes to Archmage Support in the last Necropolis league. In Settlers of Kalguur League, Archmage that use mana have been strengthened again. Builds like Archmage DD Of Chaining, BL Of Orbiting, or Frostbolt Ice Nova are increasingly relying on this Unique Helmet.

    When you equip Kitava’s Thirst, you will spend 100 mana per cast, but you will also have a 50% chance to trigger the spells you inserted in the build. In addition, it will help you get some extra Mana, Energy Shield, and Armor. This also enhances the survivability of your build from the side. This means that you need to find a way to make your Mana consumption reach 100 or more in combat, otherwise this Unique Helmet will not work. The higher your mana consumption, the higher your spell damage to the enemy, and the more invulnerable you will be.

    But Kitava’s Thirst is not without its drawbacks. In the melee-enhanced league, it reduces your casting speed by 15%, which puts you at risk of getting hurt when facing some enemies that need to cast spells at close range. You can rely on other POE Items to make up for this drawback.

    How To Get It?

    In the newly added Kingsmarch town, you can get some Helmets including Kitava’s Thirst by trading with other countries. All Unique Helmets in this guide can be obtained in this way, and will not be explained later.

    However, the chance of obtaining Unique Helmets by this farming method is very small, so you can also farm them on some common maps. Or you can also use some Divination Cards such as Prejudice, Costly Curio, Arrogance of Vaal, Jack in Box, and Void to farm it specifically.

    Sandstorm Visage

    Of all the ways to farm POE Currency, charging into Sanctum is one of the best. This is best done if you’re using Hexblast Mines build, one of the league’s strongest melee builds. And Sandstorm Visage is a must-have no matter which Ascendency you choose in this build. It makes your spells’ Critical Strike Chance directly equal to your Main Hand weapon’s Critical Strike Chance.

    This means that Hexblast’s 4% Critical Strike Chance will be tripled when under the influence of weapons like Prophecy Wand or Void Battery. So when you enter Sanctum with a Hexblast Mines build equipped with Sandstorm Visage, defeating Uber Bosses is a breeze.

    How To Get It?

    The first is shipping in Kingsmarch Town, and you can also use 75+ Forbidden Tome and Chains of Castigation to defeat Herald of Scourge Lycia. Then you can find Sandstorm Visage in its loot.


    Although Heatshiver has been nerfed many times in the previous leagues, it is still the best Unique Helmet in these builds in Settlers of Kalguur league where Frostblades and Lightning Strike are very strong.

    As long as you can use an ability to chill or freeze the enemy in combat, Heatshiver will provide you with a lot of Cold Damage and additional Fire Damage. This kind of dual element damage is something that few enemies or bosses can withstand. In addition to this, this Unique Helmet will also provide you with some resistances and a lot of Evasion. This makes your build both high damage and high survivability.

    How to get it?

    Similarly, Heatshiver is also a reward in the shipping mechanism. But the most effective way to farm it is also to farm it on a map using Divination Cards.

    Crown Of The Inward Eye

    If there is a unique helmet that is the best value for money, it is definitely Crown of the Inward Eye, because it can provide you with a lot of HP, Mana, Energy Shield, and damage, and it can be used in many builds.

    How To Get It?

    Crown of the Inward Eye is one of the loot drops after you fight Awakener of the Worlds Sirus, and it is not difficult to defeat this enemy, so Crown of the Inward Eye is very easy to farm. However, it may be a little difficult for Solo Self-Found players, and you may need to use more POE Currency to strengthen your build, but believe me, it is worth it.


    Abyssus is definitely a must-have item in all melee builds, especially in the melee-enhanced Settlers of Kalguur league. It can provide you with a lot of fixed physical damage, a huge melee Critical Strike Multiplier, and very thick armor. If you’re using a build around Hardcore, it’s not recommended to equip Abyssus, as it will increase the physical damage you take by 50%. If you can find a way to get around this in your build, you can try the power of Abyssus.

    How To Get It?

    Abyssus is a Tier-3 unique that can be found on any map, but if you want to farm it specifically, you can try Divination Cards such as Prejudice, Void, Jack in Box, Arrogance of Vaal, and Costly Curio. Also, don’t forget that shipping in Kingsmarch can also help you get Abyssus, but the chance is smaller.

    These Unique Helmets will make your build in Path of Exile 3.25 even more powerful. If you haven’t got them yet, try to farm them! When you equip them, you will definitely feel pleasantly surprised!

  • How To Create A Top Uber Boss Killer In POE 3.25 League? (2025)


    What is the minimum damage for Uber bosses Poe? ›

    You only "need" 100 mio+ if you want to onetap uber bosses. If you are fine with just mapping and pinnacles ~5 mio is already plenty. Minimum DPS i'd say is 1,5 -2 mio. Playing a build with less than that won't be fun.

    How hard are Uber bosses? ›

    Boss Fight

    You can quite easily defeat all of them if you have spent even a little bit of time polishing your gear and talent choices, even if you lack the mandatory Unique Items for your Build that you aim to get as a reward.

    How hard is Uber Eater PoE? ›

    Uber boss variant

    The Eater of Worlds is fought in Area Level 85 and greatly increases in difficulty. The fight with the Eater of Worlds will have the following changes: Area has the mod Monsters take 70% less damage. Eater's default tentacle attack now attacks in a small ring, dealing overlapping damage.

    How do you fight Uber eater of worlds Poe? ›

    Always keep moving! The majority of his abilities can be outrun. Use blink abilities like Dash and Flame Dash to teleport to the Maven's Energy Spheres. Use a Quicksilver Flask to outmaneuver Lightning Beam, Sphere Slam and Tentacles Slam abilities.

    What is the hardest hitting boss in Poe? ›

    At the end of the day, Uber trio, Vaal Temple Trio, Guardian and Shaper are probably the hardest bosses for me personally. I fought against Uber Izaro for 10 minutes, just to die when his hp was like 15% left (I have culling strike). His dps and hp is insane.

    What is the chance to hit cap Poe? ›

    Chance to hit can not be lower than 5% but can hit 100%. Effects that state Can't be Evaded or Always Hit (e.g. Resolute Technique, Worthy Foe) will raise the chance to hit to 100%, ignoring all accuracy and evasion stats of the attacker and defender respectively.

    How much HP do Uber bosses have in PoE? ›

    Uber Elder
    Uber Elder
    Location(s)The Shaper's Realm
    HealthElder: 48 096 435 Shaper: 48 096 435
    DamageElder: 6078 Shaper: 5689
    4 more rows

    Who is the highest earning Uber? ›

    What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Uber Lyft Jobs
    CityAnnual SalaryMonthly Pay
    Washington, DC$186,385$15,532
    Belmont, CA$184,545$15,378
    Burlingame, CA$182,844$15,237
    San Francisco, CA$181,013$15,084
    6 more rows

    What level to fight Uber bosses? ›

    You can reach the Uber bosses only in World Tier 3 and World Tier 4.

    How many hours does it take to complete Poe? ›

    Path of Exile is an online Action RPG set in the dark fantasy world of Wraeclast. How long is Path of Exile? When focusing on the main objectives, Path of Exile is about 29 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 714 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

    What level should I do Uber lab Poe? ›

    Offering to the Goddess. We recommend having at least 5k Life and being at least level 75 before starting your journey in the Uber Lab.

    How dominant is Uber? ›

    Uber now has 74% of the US rideshare market, up from 62% in 2020, according to market research firm YipitData, while Lyft's market share slipped to 26% from 38% during that same period. Meanwhile, Lyft stock has plunged nearly 90% since it went public in 2019.

    Is Elder harder than Maven? ›

    The hardest boss in the game is the Maven, nothing comes close to her. Other difficult bosses are Uber Elder, Sirius and the Shaper. The Searing Exarch rolling boulder phase is also hard. The rest of the bosses are quite easy if you do the mechanics correctly.

    How to fight the black star poe? ›

    The Black Star seems to switch elements after Astral Avalanche and Solar Storm, so jump to the other half of the arena when they end. You should also make sure you're either immune to Freeze or have a way to remove it before starting the fight. Otherwise, one cold attack on the wrong side of the arena will doom you.

    What boss should you fight after the Eater of Worlds? ›

    In Terraria, boss progression typically starts with the Eye of Cthulhu, followed by either the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu based on world the Corruption/Crimson.

    How much DPS is required for Uber Elder? ›

    At least 10 million damage per second (rolling over your main attack ability should show 100K+, because Path of Exile cannot calculate DPS properly)

    What is the DPS requirement for Uber Maven? ›

    The following is recommended for fighting the Maven: At least 2 million damage per second.

    What is the minimum level for Uber lab Poe? ›

    So, it is important to be able to successfully complete Uber Labyrinth. Players can lean towards a build with high survivability combined with good mobility and be at least level 75 before starting the journey.

    What damage does Uber Sirus do? ›

    It creates a huge explosion at the center if you're not in the safety zone. If players come in contact with the end of the beam, it will deal: Deals 280.3 to 420.5 Damage (50% Physical, 25% Fire, 25% Chaos) Deals 194.7 Base Fire Damage per second.

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    Name: Tuan Roob DDS

    Birthday: 1999-11-20

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    Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.