1. Insane Gangster Disciples - Gang Enforcement Company
GD – Gangster Disciples = Growth and Development · BGD – Black Gangster Disciples = Military · IGD – Insane Gangster Disciples = Assassins · GG – Ghost Gangsters = ...
Insane Gangster Disciples was formed by the hands of Solomon.
2. [PDF] If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at ...
it returns; and (2) that the gang can not establish turf (Gang ... GANGSTER QUEENS. YOUNG GANGSTER DISCIPLES. RUTHLESS ASS INSANE DISCIPLES. ELI~INATE RED SLOB.
3. The art of deciphering a gang code - Corrections1
30 jul 2012 · This gang uses very ornate and complex symbols. The Black Gangster Disciples are associated with the Folk Nation gangs and use a lot of ...
Gangs’ use of codes is one of the most fascinating and least understood aspects of gang investigation
4. Gangster Disciples - Yvonne Payne - Prezi
Gangster Disciples. The gang was formed on the South-side of Chicago in the late 1960s. Since then it has spread dramatically throughout the United States as ...
Norms In the Gangster Disciples having an orginization of members is seen as one of the esstential norms in the gang. It provides structure instead of chaos Langauge Slang The GDs use codes and slangs as their form of language examples include: Symbols •Vicky Lous: Derogatory
5. [PDF] 149138NCJRS.pdf - Office of Justice Programs
Graffiti of Disciples; Vice Lords; crips and. Bloods; along with selective Latino gangs will be on pages 12,13,14,15 &16. street Gang Language: The final page~ ...
6. The Impact of the Federal Prosecution of the Gangster Disciples
An evaluation of the impact of the federal prosecution against the Gangster Disciple street gang in Chicago, Illinois.
See AlsoWhere To Watch The Kafr Delhap
7. gang slang numbers and symbols - Facebook
2-7-4-14 - Code for Black Gangster Disciples Nation (B.G.D.N.- 2nd, 7th, 4th ... Checked in - Used by Hispanics; meaning to be initiated into a gang.
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
8. [PDF] S-3: Gang Signs, Symbols, Signals, Words, and Conduct Prohibited
Local Midwest-Influenced Gangs. Folks: People: KMD-King Mafia Disciples. Latin Kings. Black Gangster Disciples. Vice Lords. Gangster Disciples. White ...
9. more lit - gangster disciples
six-points-and-their-meanings · black-gangster-disciple-organizational · blackgangsterdiscipleknowledge · black-disciples-gang-threat-analysis ...
gangster disciples
Latin Disciples, Maniac Latin Disciples, Simon City Royals, Spanish Gangsters, Two Sixers ... 15 East Coast sets include Nine Trey Gangsters, Gangster ...